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3x pitching - a revolutionary approach to pitching velocity

Posted by Edlute on Friday, 4 April 2014

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Do you want to know what it feels like to throw 90mph? If so, you will know what it feels like after you learn from and train with 3X Pitching!

I want you to buy a lottery ticket because I want you to understand how you are playing your pitching career. You are playing it like the lottery every time you are looking for that cheap and easy program, that you think is going to get you to 90, so scouts will notice you. You have a better chance of being struck by lightening….twice, before you win the lottery, or find that cheap and easy program to 90mph. Well, today is your lucky day and it doesn’t come on a lucky piece of paper. It comes with an opportunity to reach your velocity goals. I guarantee it!

This jackpot of pitching velocity is not an easy road to victory. From here on out it is going to take some serious focus, determination, blood, sweat and tears, to cash in!

You don’t have the time or the luxury to walk away from this level of knowledge and this hardcore training program. Your career is too short to act like you got it made. Unless you are the hardest throwing pitcher in your state, then you have a lot of work to do.

You only get a few chances in your career to make a name for yourself and the fact that you are here, RIGHT NOW, tells me that you are not getting the job done or you are second guessing your ability to get the job done.

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